Citi Bike Now Available for SNAP Recipients and Housing Authority Residents

April 23, 2019

In December, Mayor Fulop in partnership with the Jersey City Dept. of Health & Human Services and Citi Bike announced that SNAP recipients can Jersey City are now eligible for Citi Bike memberships at a cost of only $5 a month. This will provide access to unlimited 45-minute rides across Citi Bike stations in Jersey City and New York City to SNAP recipients. The discounted membership program is currently offered to residents of the Jersey City Housing Authority. Citi Bike has branded this as “Citi Bike for All” and is excited to have all residents access this program.


Jersey City Health and Human Services are working with Bike JC, The Jersey City Housing Authority, Hudson County, and the Planning Division in the spring to promote the program at various events throughout the city - Farmers' Markets, Bike Master Plan meetings, Vision Zero meetings, and other public events hosted by the above agencies. Helmets of all sizes and literature about the program will be distributed at the events.

 Picture provided by The Foundry Girl JC


Access to alternative modes of transportation is essential to all residents as the city continues to grow. “Bike sharing has significantly grown in Jersey City and the expansion of the low cost membership program with Citi Bike provides greater accessibility for our residents,” said Mayor Stephen M. Fulop. “As we move forward with plans to create safe, multi-modal streets that support and improve biking in Jersey City, it’s imperative that all of our community members have the opportunity to utilize alternative means of travel.”


Individuals who reside in Jersey City Housing Authority Developments have been eligible for this $5 a month discounted membership since 2015. Now, those who are enrolled in SNAP benefits can sign up for a discounted Citi Bike membership too by visiting, where they will use their EBT cards to verify eligibility.


“Expanding our discounted membership program reinforces our long-standing commitment to making Citi Bike equitable and accessible for Jersey City residents,” said Kris Sandor, Citi Bike General Manager. “Just as Citi Bike has made it easier to move around Jersey City, we are now making it easier for low-income individuals to enjoy the benefits of Citi Bike. Accessibility and equity are core to our mission, and we look forward to continuing to work alongside Mayor Fulop as part of the Partnership for a Healthier JC to grow bike share in Jersey City.”


This announcement comes in the middle of an 11-month comprehensive evaluation of how to support and improve biking in Jersey City, the Let’s Ride JC Bicycle Master Plan.


Bike sharing has grown significantly in Jersey City. Riders completed nearly 350,000 Citi Bike trips in Jersey City so far in 2018, a 25% increase from 2017. Citi Bike Riders pedaled more than 374,000 miles in total this year, the equivalent to 15 trips around the equator.


A Citi Bike membership provide riders 24/7 access to more than 500 bikes at 50 stations throughout Jersey City, as well as 12,000 bikes and more than 750 stations in New York. A traditional Citi Bike membership can be purchased for $169, which unlocks 365 days of unlimited, 45-minute rides. Single rides and day passes are also available for $3 and $12 respectively through the Citi Bike app.


“Jersey City’s Citi Bike program is a perfect example of the Foundation’s commitment to support  programs that make New Jersey healthier,” said Jonathan R. Pearson, Executive

Director, The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey. “We are excited that Jersey City residents are being provided more access to affordable exercise and transportation alternatives and look forward to continuing to support this initiative.”


“The expansion of the Jersey City Bike Share program to make it more affordable to more people will be a great holiday gift to the people of the City,” said Eric Gernath, CEO of Suez North America. “Our dedicated employees are very proud to be part of this successful program aimed at making Jersey City one of the best places to live.”


"Bike JC supports any and all efforts to equitably expand access to bike share in Jersey City and we believe that giving SNAP recipients the same annual discount that already exists for JCHA residents is a great idea. Bike JC supports this as a way to make this affordable transportation even more affordable for those who can least afford the financial drain of car ownership," said Patrick Conlon, President of Bike JC.


"This is a great way for us to get more exercise and more access. The Citi Bike will let me go further and to more places than I can reach by walking. I am going to enjoy this!" said Julia Shiver-Muse, a Jersey City resident who is planning to sign up for the discounted membership.

We want to thank the Director of Communications from Mayor Fulop’s office for taking the time to share the program with us. We look forward to Jersey City working on more sustainable, long term projects and initiatives that include all Jersey City residents.

Additional photos provided by CitiBike JC

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